B & S (Beti and Shiksha) Foundation has been unceasingly donating cooked food, dry Ration and medicines to poor and needy people and daily wagers who make their two ends meet by earning their livelihood on day to day basis. Lockdown and threat of COVID-19 has left with no means to earn their livelihood and support their families. As our social responsibility we have been providing them with 1200 cooked food packs everyday in the first half of the lockdown in areas like Chandni Chowk, Tilak Nagar, New Delhi and Vasant Kunj. Now we are supplying dry ration, medicines and hygiene kits etc to support such poverty stricken people during the COVID-19 crisis.
Because of lockdown their livelihood has come to a halt. Moreover, they are very vulnerable to COVID-19 spread due to dingy and congested living conditions.
We are setting up a relief fund to provide sustenance support, and design meaningful interventions for the marginalized community over the next few months.